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  • Writer's pictureDavid DeLallo

Leaving AI Companies to Self-Regulate = Foolish

Updated: Jun 21

🌎 In this week’s edition of As the AI World Turns, we find the government asking Big Tech to keep us safe from AI. 😬

Comic satirizes the United States government asking Big Tech leaders from firms like OpenAI, Microsoft and Anthropic to join a board advising it on how to make AI safe.

Last Friday, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary announced the appointment of a 22-member board tasked with advising on how to protect critical infrastructure from AI-related disruptions and deploy AI safely within it.

The familiar cast of characters building the most advanced AI were among those tapped (Sam Altman of OpenAI, Sundar Pichai of Google, Dario Amodei of Anthropic, etc.)...

Except no Elon or Zuck. 🫢 They're likely unhappy about this (though also maybe just a little happy?).

Meanwhile the US government is still asking the AI industry to essentially regulate itself as we await any potential US laws with teeth and the broader implementation of the EU AI Act.

Color me skeptical.

There are, however, academics and civil rights experts on the new US AI safety board as well. Their presence is somewhat reassuring - what do you think?

Now, if only the boards of the AI companies could feature such expertise...

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